Did you ever wonder why coffee that you purchase at a coffee shop or restaurant tastes so much better than it does when you make it at home? Is the the brand of coffee that they use? Is it the commercial coffee maker that brew a better pot of coffee? How can you create the perfect cup of coffee in your home kitchen?
Begin with fresh filtered water. Tap water may have the taste of chlorine, etc. which will dramatically change the flavor of the coffee. Great coffee begins with pure water.
Measure your coffee. The proper proportion of coffee to water is essential in getting a full robust flavor. Use two HEAPING tablespoons of ground coffee to each six ounces of water in your coffee maker.
Only brew what you're going to drink. Brewed coffee should never be reheated or left in the coffee maker or on the burner as it will scorch, ruining the flavor and giving it a burnt taste.
Use FRESH coffee. Buy your coffee beans frequently, as the flavor is directly related to the oils in the bean. Coffee that has dried out lacks flavor.
Grind your coffee just before brewing. The coffee bean releases it's flavors once it's ground. If you grind your coffee in advance (or purchase ground coffee) much of the flavor will be lost.
Heat, light and moisture break coffee down. Always store your coffee in an air tight container and never, never, never store it in the refrigerator.
Helping your coffee maker do the job that it's supposed to will result in a great pot of coffee.